Wednesday, September 11, 2013

EOC: Week 10 - Benefits vs. Features


The features of my Adobo Jerky are that it has real beef & chicken dried up. Each strip of meat was marinated carefully and over a specific period of time. The flavors are very pronounced and are easily distinguished. For people who haven't tasted this dish, it is very exotic and you will definitely feel & taste the love put in the process. It's flavor is one of a kind and it is exclusive only to a few bars. It goes well with both hard & soft liquors due to it's saltiness & natural meaty taste.


What sets this beef jerky apart from the rest is the adventure and thought put behind it. The flavors are stronger and more prominent. It is something that sets a boy apart from a man. This snack was made by the great for the great. It identifies that you deserve a better snack because you are a better man. The taste of this snack is something so intense & memorable. It's strongly defined just like your character. It's beneficial because it's anything but ordinary. It reminds you that you are also anything but ordinary. This snack will be the prize that accompanies the fact that you are man enough to handle that drink on the rocks. It could also be a prize for being brave enough to order a cocktail because you're confident that it won't make you look less manly. The benefit of this snack is that it was made for you, because you deserve better.

The features of this product are good enough to keep the consumer but it's the benefits that will attract them to it in the first place. Without having enough reason for them to pick up the can, they will not have the experience that comes with it. The experience is the key benefit. The fact that was set ourselves apart by recognizing that  real men deserve real snacks will be what makes us succeed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

FINAL: Implementation Evaluation Control

To see how my product would do, I asked my friends and colleagues if they'd buy my product at the bar. To avoid bias as much as possible, I asked people who know me well & people who barely can pronounce my name. I also made sure to ask a variety of genders, ages (all over 21 of course), & also people who weren't familiar with the dish at all.

The people who were familiar with the dish were all for it, they loved the idea. When you're going out to drink, a lot of people tend to get hungry or at the slightest bit, just "snack-y". Our senses tend to bring us to Roberto's because we crave that salty meat, but now you have a better option that's right at the bar (& less regret in the morning). The females were neutral to the idea, one even mentioned that she'd love to snack on it..... if there weren't any cute boys at the bar. That girl's best friend said she'd use it to reel in the cute boys at the bar (haha). Most people that have tried this dish are big fans because the flavors are so unique & prominent. To be able to have that "home-cooked" experience at the bar & on-the-go was a big hit for them.

"After a company has defined market segments, it can enter one or many of these segments. Market targeting involves evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time."

The people that weren't familiar with the dish were intrigued on trying it, especially because of the packaging. I put a picture of the dish & to them it looked good. A friend said that it would look like heaven especially if he was drunk. I mentioned the benefit that salty food suck up the alcohol therefore delaying & pacing it's effects making it able for you to drink more, one of my girl friends loved that idea because if she had this snack at the bar then she would be able to hang around longer.

Overall the snack was successful to everyone i pitched it to. Alcohol brings out courage & the only safe way to use that courage is to try something new like Adobo Jerky (versus twerking in public & other shenanigans).

FINAL: Distribution

I have decided to distribute my snack to bars only 3 stars & higher. I've been to a couple bars & work in the food & beverage industry. I've learned that regardless of how good your food is, if the ambiance & service sucks, it degrades the food. I believe the same applies for my snack. If a person enters a nice bar with great service & unique drinks, they will expect only the best snacks which will be my Adobo Jerky.

I would not want to distribute this snack to gas stations, grocery stores, or anything of the matter because I would love for it to maintain its exclusivity. This would be a benefit to these bars as well because customers who loved this snack will be returning for it since they won't be able to get it anywhere else. Customer loyalty will be a big factor.

"Companies know that they cannot profitably serve all consumers in a given market—at least not all consumers in the same way. There are too many different kinds of consumers with too many different kinds of needs. And most companies are in a position to serve some segments better than others. Thus, each company must divide up the total market, choose the best segments, and design strategies for profitably serving chosen segments. This process involves market segmentation, market targeting, differentiation, and positioning."

Since it is more of a masculine snack, I would want it to be served at sports books as well but only the ones with good reputation & notable service. I do not want it at the corner sports bar, more like Lagasse's Stadium & other bars of the kind.

" Marketing involves serving a market of final consumers in the face of competitors. "

FINAL: Promotion

Quite honestly this product promotes itself. I wouldn't want to advertise it on TV or on vast media because it is exclusive to certain bars.
I want to make sure that people view it as special, classy even. You don't see designer brands putting out commercials on TV simply because they really don't need too, the product speaks for itself.

"The production concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable. Therefore, management should focus on improving production and distribution efficiency."

I will however make sure to have a social media representative & advertise updates, new flavors, & which bars are offering my snack on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & our website. I want our consumers to know that we make this product with care & for a reason. I want the story to be known to everyone who tries it because I want them to be able to not only taste it but experience it as well.

"Attracting and retaining customers can be a difficult task. Customers often face a bewildering array of products and services from which to choose. A customer buys from the firm that offers the highest customer-perceived value—the customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a market offering relative to those of competing offers. Importantly, customers often do not judge values and costs “accurately” or “objectively.” They act on perceived value."

The adventure behind the discovery of my product will be at the back of each package, I want the bars that are distributing it to be familiar with this story as well. I want them to be able to pitch it to their customers saying "You need this snack because you are THAT man". If anything this snack should be the bridge that brings out every person's inner Phileas Fogg because in an honest perspective, who doesn't want to see the whole world?

"Significant changes are occurring in the ways in which companies are relating to their customers. Yesterday’s big companies focused on mass marketing to all customers at arm’s length. Today’s companies are building deeper, more direct, and lasting relationships with more carefully selected customers. Here are some important trends in the way companies and customers are relating to one another."

FINAL: Product

As hard as it is to believe because of it's appearance, I actually worked really hard on this packaging, I,m just not that gifted at photoshop. I wanted to container to be a tube container just like Pringles because it just looks better, I think that's why Pringles have so much success, it's because their packaging was unique. I also wanted the picture of the actual food that's inspired it to be in front (a lot larger than what i was able to edit because i want their mouths to water when they see it). Of course we have to put a logo of Phileas Fogg because he did discover this awesome snack.

Bars will be selling 6 oz packages for $7.99. Put in perspective that these bars are more higher-end with great service & an amazing ambiance.

"Marketing has the main responsibility for achieving profitable growth for the company."

When our customer pulls out a strip of beef jerky from this tube, I want them to feel as if they are eating exactly what is on the picture because they are. What it is, is a dried up version but it is still marinated with love & deliciousness. It was just made to-go for their convenience.

"Beyond simply retaining good customers to capture customer lifetime value, good customer relationship management can help marketers to increase their share of customer—the share they get of the customer’s purchasing in their product categories. Thus, banks want to increase “share of wallet.” Supermarkets and restaurants want to get more “share of stomach.” Car companies want to increase “share of garage,” and airlines want greater “share of travel.”"

They should also be able to feel like they've traveled to another country (the Philippines) just by tasting this snack because it is exotic & it very much examples what the flavors of their cultures food is like. When people have alcohol in their system they do gain some kind of courage & hopefully they use it to try something new because I know that they will absolutely love it. I cannot mention enough how this product should speak for itself. Even when it comes to promotion, I want it to be very limited to remain exclusive & just that much more special.

"Companies must not only develop strategies for growing their business portfolios, but also strategies for downsizing them. "

FINAL: Target Market Strategy

"Companies should manage customer equity carefully. They should view customers as assets that need to be managed and maximized. But not all customers, not even all loyal customers, are good investments. Surprisingly, some loyal customers can be unprofitable, and some disloyal customers can be profitable."

Our target market are men of legal age to drink (up to however age they are when they can no longer chew on beef jerky). This is for men that need an ego boost but are confident enough to know that they deserve a better snack then just salted peanuts or pretzels.

"The marketing logic by which the company hopes to create customer value and achieve profitable customer relationships."

The story behind this snack should make the customer feel a close connection with Phineas Fogg and feel like they were actually here with him to witness that very same adventure. I want them to remember the excitement of the story & relate it to how they feel whenever they eat this Adobo Jerky. I want this to be a full-on experience beyond just the taste buds.

"Each company department can be thought of as a link in the company’s internal value chain.10 That is, each department carries out value-creating activities to design, produce, market, deliver, and support the firm’s products. The firm’s success depends not only on how well each department performs its work, but also on how well the various departments coordinate their activities."

This snack is the best snack for the best man. It is made by the great & for the great because we deserve & crave more than just the ordinary. We are here to break the mold, starting with this flavor but going around the world with it. 

FINAL: Marketing Strategy

I will market this product to bars that are of a high standard. I specified that I would like to have it in bars that take pride in great customers service & provide a delightful ambiance. We are catering to the customer that loves to feel special. We want to make sure that he or even she realizes that we recognize that & made this snack with that specifically in mind. It's because they want more & even more so deserve more.

"The market consists of many types of customers, products, and needs. The marketer has to determine which segments offer the best opportunities. Consumers can be grouped and served in various ways based on geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors. The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics, or behaviors, and who might require separate products or marketing programs is called market segmentation."

This snack isn't just a whole different flavor profile, I like to think of it as a whole different character. Men, especially, should be able to eat this snack & feel well.. more "manly". This snack is exotic, it should make them feel more daring which is an appropriate ego boost at the bar.

"Positioning is arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers. As one positioning expert puts it, positioning is “why a shopper will pay a little more for your brand.”14 Thus, marketers plan positions that distinguish their products from competing brands and give them the greatest advantage in their target markets."

Bartenders & other employees should know the adventure that comes with this snack because it'll be their pitch. It would be a great selling point as well.

"The set of controllable tactical marketing tools—product, price, place, and promotion—that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market."